Arya Vidyapeeth College, Guwahati

Arya Vidyapeeth College, situated in the heart of Guwahati city, is one of the premier instituti

Arya Vidyapeeth College, situated in the heart of Guwahati city, is one of the premier institutions of higher learning in not only Assam but the whole of North East India. It is the most prominent member in the family of Arya Vidyapeeth – a chain of educational institutions starting from primary level to post-graduate level that was born out of the missionary zeal and relentless efforts on the part of a team of visionaries, the prominent worker being Late Giridhar Sarma.

Luminaries like Mahendra Mohan Choudhury (Ex-Chief Minister of Assam and Governor of Punjab), Prof. Radha Kanta Das, a prominent mathematician of the region, educationist Sarat Chandra Goswami and some other leading citizens were involved in this endeavour.

Established on 29th July 1958, the college has been catering to the academic needs of North-Eastern India in general and Assam in particular. The untiring efforts and rare organisational ability of Giridhar Sarma helped the college grow into a throbbing centre of academic excellence in the teeth of many odds on the way. In fact, Arya Vidyapeeth College can be called the dream child of Giridhar Sarma, an academician and a litterateur of repute.

In 1962, the first batch of students took in B.A. final examination, while the science stream was started in the same year with as many as eight departments. By 1971, P.G. Department of Mathematics came into operation. As on today, H.S. and Degree level courses are offered in Arts, Commerce and Science streams. The college provides major courses altogether in eighteen out of nineteen subjects in Arts and Science. Keeping in mind the global dynamics, the College has been successfully running a number of courses, many of which are self sustained. These include courses in Computer being run successfully since the last seven years along with courses in Human Rights and Bioinformatics. The courses on Bioinformatics are run in part collaboration with the DOEACC for which the infrastructure has been granted by the UGC. Recently the College has received a grant of Rs. 50 lakhs from the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India for further development of infrastructure of science departments and the computer laboratory. We also have dedicated internet connections to further the cause of quality teaching and learning.

In honour of the doctrines of the National Knowledge Commission, Arya Vidyapeeth College has entered into an understanding with the World’s largest Open University, IGNOU which considers us as a ‘Partner Institute’. This, another feather on our cap has entrusted even more responsibilities on our shoulders. But, we are determined enough. Despite having infrastructural constraints, Arya Vidyapeeth College offers fourteen courses under Distance Education mode. These courses range from Post-Graduate through Graduate and Diploma to Certificate level.

Arya Vidyapeeth College has been the first in many cases amongst all the grants-in-aid (now, Provincialised) colleges of Assam. The college started COSIP and COHSIP Programmes way back in 1974. Perhaps no other such college in Assam had a UGC sponsored Non-Resident Student Centre, a Workshop, a Health Centre when they were operational in Arya Vidyapeeth College. It may be mentioned that the College’s health centre provides medical aid to the neighbourhood too in collaboration and by virtue of an understanding with the NRHM. The college has its own Anthem which is also unique.

Arya Vidyapeeth College has played a key role in academic uplift of disadvantaged students of the region. As on today, Arya Vidyapeeth College is perhaps one of the most successful colleges in Assam because we have been able to elevate the output standard of the passing out students at an exponentially higher stratum than their input level. This is clearly reflected in the pass percentage data of the college and that of the Gauhati University.

There has been a vibrant work and research culture amongst the faculty. As a consequence of this thirst for excellence trigerred off since the beginning, one can see our faculty members engaged in many research projects, authoring books and research papers of national and international standards regularly. The college has developed many national and international linkages on the academic front. Academicians / Scientists from different parts of the country as well as abroad have visited the institution for research purpose as well as student interaction. Prestigious awards like the ‘Padmashree’, ‘Soviet Land Nehru’, ‘Sahitya Academy’, ‘Katha’ and award from the prestigious ‘Assam Sahitya Sabha’ received by our faculty members reflect the reality. There are even records of our colleague acting as a visiting faculty in University abroad.

The name of the college is suggestive of the spirit and culture of the institution. The word ‘Arya’ in the context of the college, implies a person who sticks to his rightful and legitimate duty by practising what he should do and by abstaining from doing what one is not expected to do thereby elevating him to a state of higher civilised order. Innumerable students have come to the college and successfully left the campus after receiving their desired degrees and they have made their marks in different levels of social, political and academic life. There may be a few places in the whole country where an alumnus of this institution may not be found. Many of them have brought glories by shining in overseas too.

Intellect, infrastructural, students’ development and contributions to societal betterment have been considered as yardsticks sought to be perspired for by us as part of the ongoing Golden Jubilee celebrations of our institution. Our Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives reflect our determination. One is welcome to take advantage of the same and cash in on this opportunity.

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