Places to Visit in Bajali

List of Places to Visit in Bajali. There are many places to visit in Bajali, Assam, including religious sites, historical sites, and natural attractions.

শ্ৰীশ্ৰীভোগেশ্বৰ দেৱালয় :

‘Ujan Ulua’ is a small village in the Bajali district of Assam. The Kaldia River flows through the east of this village. The ‘Sri Sri Bhogeshwar Temple’ is located in the beautiful land of soft grass on both sides of the river. This temple and Bhageshwar Mahaprabhu’s greatness are well known not only in Assam but also in different parts of India.

শ্ৰীশ্ৰীপৰিহৰেশ্বৰ দেৱালয় (ডুবি দেৱালয়) :

This is a temple of Lord Siva situated at Dubi village near Pathsala. Ahom King Siva Singha constructed it in the 1662 Saka Era. Shiva Singha made land grants measuring about 760 Puras recorded in Copper-Plate inscriptions and donated an image of Goddesses Durga. The history goes that the original Lingam was on a hillock called Durabalgiri, which sank underwater later. The present temple was constructed on one of the rocks of the sunk hillock. Rani Phuleswari, the queen of Siva Singha installed an image of goddess Durga there and introduced the system of worship of the Goddess through Devadasi dance. There is a legend that Queen Fuleswari, wife of Shiva Singha, was instrumental in bringing “Devadasis” or Temple dancers from Upper Assam to perform dances for the amusement of the deities of this Temple. The famous dance form “Devadasi-Nritya” is said to have originated in this Temple. People from different localities come to this sacred place to worship the Goddess Durga.

কলিবাৰী থান (জালিখাটা থান) :

The Kalibari Than is located in the eastern part of Jalikhata village in the Bajali district of Assam. The Kaldia River flows to the east and south of the shrine, forming a horseshoe lake to the south of the shrine. The temple is about 6 km from Pathshala, the centre of Bajali, and about 5 km from Patacharkuchi.

The large tree in the ashram premises is called the “Dhup Tree” in the local language. According to the survey, the tree has a circumference of 18.5 m. The original number of columns is more than 650. The tree is 115 feet tall and the maximum height of the column is 46 feet.

শ্ৰী শ্ৰী শিৱ শক্তি দেৱালয়:

বজালীৰ এখন ঐতিহ্য মণ্ডিত সাৰ্বজনীন দেৱালয় হল বৃহৎ মূগুৰিয়া গাঁৱত অৱস্থিত শ্ৰী শ্ৰী শিৱ শক্তি দেৱালয় একালৰ কালীৰ থান , কালী গোসানীৰ ঘৰ , গোসানীৰ ঘৰ , কালী মন্দিৰ সময়ৰ সোঁতত সাৰ্বজনীন ৰূপত উত্তৰণ ঘটি আজি শ্ৰী শ্ৰী শিৱ শক্তি দেৱালয় হিচাপে প্ৰতিষ্ঠিত হৈ অসমৰ এখন প্ৰসিদ্ধ তীৰ্থস্থান ৰূপে পৰিগণিত হৈছে । এই দেৱালয় খন ১৫২ নং ভূটান ৰাষ্ট্ৰীয় ঘাই পথৰ ওচৰত অৱস্থিত

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