The Journey of a Student – Niraj Sonowal

In the early morning’s gentle light,
Students wake to face the fight,
With books in hand and hearts so bright,
They step into the day’s new height.
In crowded halls and bustling ways,
They navigate their busy days,
With dreams as vast as skies above,
Fueled by knowledge, hope, and love.
Lectures, notes, and endless reads,
Planting intellectual seeds,
Each subject learned, a door unlocked,
Every question fuels their talk.
Through challenges and moments tough,
They learn resilience, strength enough,
To overcome, to stand and strive,
To keep their burning dreams alive.
Friendships formed in common ground,
In laughter, joy, and moments found,
Supporting hands through highs and lows,
In the shared path each student knows.
Exams and tests, the stress they bring,
Yet through it all, their spirits sing,
For every grade, each mark achieved,
Is a testament to what they’ve believed.
In moments quiet, in the night,
Under the soft and dimming light,
They ponder futures yet to be,
In dreams of possibility.
Student life, a time so brief,
Filled with moments, joy, and grief,
But in this phase, they grow and learn,
Preparing for the world to turn.
So cherish every single day,
In learning’s path, come what may,
For student life, though it may end,
Its lessons guide, its truths defend.

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