Institute of Advanced Study in Science & Technology (IASST) ,Guwahati, Assam

The Institute of Advanced Study in Science & Technology (IASST) was set up in 1979 by the Assam Sc

The Institute of Advanced Study in Science & Technology (IASST) was set up in 1979 by the Assam Science Society with the prime objective of setting up a premier research establishment in the NE region to deal with problems of the north east in particular and the country in general. The Institute was inaugurated by the Nobel Laureate Prof. Dorothy Hodgkin on 3rd November 1979. The Assam Science Society provided the necessary facilities at the beginning and The Government of Assam provided a lump sum annual grant-in-aid to the Institute since 1991-92 to carry out research in frontier areas of science & technology.

The prime objective of the IASST is to build up a research centre with facilities for fundamental and advanced studies in selected fields of pure and applied sciences to enlarge the frontiers in these fields. The IASST will promote original, applied and interdisciplinary investigations in areas considered appropriate. It will also sponsor projects in selected fields of science and technology including projects concerning the development and utilization of resources of the North Eastern Region, involving wherever possible, advanced research centres both within and outside the country, with collaboration among academic and industrial research centres.

Knowledge Resource Center (KRC)

The Knowledge Resource Center (KRC), IASST formerly known as IASST Library which started its humble beginning with the establishment of the institute, in the year 1979, has now been developed to a full-fledged Knowledge Resource Center (KRC). The KRC is at present equipped with its rich knowledge based resources and equipments and offers services to the users. It is a special science reference KRC, primarily meant for the use of its research staff i.e. faculty members, research scholars and staff of the institute. It is also frequently used by the faculty members and research scholars of other institutes and universities located in Assam and North East India.

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