SLET, State Level Eligibility Test Commision N.E Region, Assam |Syllabus|Application Form| Results

In order to maintain a uniform standard of graduate and post graduate teaching through-out the Cou

In order to maintain a uniform standard of graduate and post graduate teaching through-out the Country, the Government of India through its notification in 1988 stated that only those candidates would be considered eligible for a post of lecturer, who besides fulfilling the minimum academic qualifications for it, also qualify in comprehensive test, National Eligibility Test (NET), to be conducted for the purpose. Accordingly, the University Grants Commission (UGC) has been conducting the eligibility Test for lecturership on Humanities and Social Science subjects.The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has been conducting the eligibility test for lecturership in the Science subjects. UGC simultaneously asked the Govt. of the States and Union Territories about their option to conduct their own test or alternatively adopt the UGC-CSIR test. In case they opt to conduct a test equivalent to UGC-CSIR then these should be accredited by the UGC. In response to this, many States opted to conduct their own test i.e. State Level Eligibility Test
(SLET) for lecturers. Similarly a poposal was put forward for constituting the North East State Level Eligibility Test (NESLET) on 26.6.2000 to conduct such a test for the aspirant candidates of the North East Region. It was subsequently constituted as SLET Commission Assam (NE Region). The name of the Test has again been modified
as SET (STATE ELIGIBILITY TEST). Its member States at present are Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur,
Meghalaya, Sikkim and Tripura.

2. Location

SLET Commission Office is located at
2nd Floor, B. K. B. Auditorium
Gauhati University Campus
Gopinath Bordoloi Nagar, Guwahati-781 014
Assam Phone No. 0361-2132163

3. Recruitment Rules

It is also decided that the qualified candidates in the SET will be governed by the rules and regulations of recruitment of lecturer of the Universities and Colleges  as the case may be.

4. Eligibility to sit for SET

Any Indian National who obtained Master Degree with atleast 55% marks is eligible to sit in the SET. However in the case of SC/ST candidate the minimum requirement of mark is 50% on the subject he/she opts to appear. Those candidates
who have even secured 54.99% marks in case of General candidates (or 49.99% marks in case of SC/ST candidates) in Master Degree examination are not eligible for this Test. There is no provision of rounding up of marks to make it 55% ( 50% for SC/ST).
Candidates who have appeared or will be appearing at the final (or 4th Semester)of their Master Degree Examination and whose result is still awaited or candidates whose qualifying examination has been delayed, may also apply and appear at
this Test. However such candidates will be admitted provisionally and shall be considered eligible for award of lecturership eligibility only after they have passed the Master’s Degree examination or equivalent with the required percentage of marks. Such candidates must obtain the P.G. Degree within two years from the date of SET
examination with required percentage of marks failing which they shall be treated as disqualified. Candidates are advised to appear in the subject of their postgraduation only. The candidates whose post-graduation subject is not covered in
the list of subject in item 6(ii) may appear in a related subject. Candidates who qualify in the Test are eligible to apply for the post of lecturer within the area of the Member-States of SLET Commission. They will be given a pass-certificate and the validity period of certificates is forever.

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