Sankardev Netralaya

Sri Sankardeva Nethralaya, a dynamic professional organization with core values of caring, compass

Sri Sankardeva Nethralaya, a dynamic professional organization with core values of caring, compassion, commitment, professionalism with the highest, ethical and legal standard, dedicated to providing quality care to all patients.

It is also a postgraduate teaching hospital, having primary eye clinics, having modern well equipped opertion theatres, extensive out patient department with a wide range of sub specialty clinical & non-clinical support services, indoor wards and community outreach center. The institution provides consultations and treatment to the patients of the entire North Eastern region, and adjoining states of India as well as neighboring countries. SSN also helps in establishing Lion’s Eye Hospital at Guwahati and P.C. Chatterjee Memorial Eye Hospital at Dharmanagar, Tripura, Ram Krishna Mission Hospital, Guwahati, Sonapur Satellite Centre.

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