NGO Destination

DESTINATION (A real home for persons with special need) is a non profit voluntary organization mai

DESTINATION (A real home for persons with special need) is a non profit voluntary organization mainly working for the benefit of persons with special need.

View on Flickr8 years ago ago by shyamal baruah.


The vision of the society is to devote services for the protection of the rights and interests of the helpless, oppressed and needy masses and for their well being.It is anon political and non communal institution. Destination is registered under the Society Registration Act XXI of 1860 and under Section 12aa of the Income-Tax Act 1961.

 At the very beginning the institute Destination had only two inmates but within a very short span of time it had increased to manifold and at present the number of inmates are 100 Nos. With the time passing by the organization “Destination (A real home for persons with special need)” has become synonymous with the institute “Destination”. So the organization “Destination” has been involved with the activities which are mostly related to the mentally challenged people viz. beside residential program for children with special need. Home for Elderly with special need. Special drive foe Girls and Women with special need, Awareness Programmed, Parent Meet, Seminars and Workshop in various subjects etc. A real home for persons with special need. Destination aims at providing an ultimate destination for the challenged persons where for the sake of human equality they may have enough opportunity to be educated, an opportunity to get medical services, an opportunity to enjoy a family life, an opportunity to participate in the community activities and an opportunity to enjoy all the human rights. The main aim of this project is to boost the hidden talents of persons with special need and mould them through proper training and guidance so that they can contribute something excellent to the society.


1. Destination (A real for Children with Special Need): Destination(A real for Children with Special Need) was established on 1st june 2005 at Bhagaduttapur, Kahilipara,Guwahati-19 in the premises of Mrs. Rupa Hazarika, Director and secretary of the society especially at homely environment. Destination efficiently provides life long care to the needy special persons by giving them a home for life and Destination is the pioneer institution working for the welfare of the orphan persons/children with special need . Destinations team of professionals and Para professionals are being always guided by the Director and secretary Mrs. Rupa Hazarika. Under this significant programme each individual is assessed thoroughly by the special Destination team as mostly some children &persons need some sort of urgent training programmes such as self-help, vocational training, behavioral modification programme, medical and psychiatric intervention, academic evolution and music and dance etc with the object to provide training programme to develop independent living skill of the mentally challenged children and persons . Relevantly at Present there are – inmates in Destination who are monitored around the clock and are being trained in their day to day habits and activities as mentioned before. Besides thorough and categorized training Programme Destination who extends regular physiotherapy ,Speech therapy and regular medical supervision by neurologist and other specialist as well as and occasionally takes out for sight seeing, excursion to rejuvenate them for time to time. The inmates of Destination are provided behavioral therapy and psychiatric intervention whenever required.

View on Flickr8 years ago ago by shyamal baruah.


2. Destination Special School: Destination special school is run under the guidance of Mrs. Aradhana Saikia who happens to be the principal of the school too. Destinations some other special associates are like Mrs. Babita p. Gogoi, a qualified psychologist, Mr.Pranab Kalpa Hazrika (Neurodevelopmental Therapist) and Dr. Sangeeta Dutta MD psychiatrist, Dr.Pankaj Losan Sarma psychiatrist. Finally, Destination is resoluted to help the mentally challenged children and persons.

3. Special drive for girls and women with special need: It is being witnessed that despite having huge no. of victims of such personality with special need even in highly developed countries their concerns are unknown and rights also unrecognized only as they are disable and female and are living at very poor standard . Studies on women with special need in rural areas of many countries in Asia and Pacific region have found that more than 80 % of such women have no independent means of livelihood for their very existence. So to guide them to live a meaningful life Destination Special drive for girls and women with special need Was launched.

4 .Destination Kunjaban (A home for elderly with special need): The ultimate sufferings elderly with special need happen to be Vic timed ultimately as mainly in the absence of their parents or other guardians and caretakers. Keeping this highly sensitive point Destination has extended an emotionally effective hands to shelter those elderly persons whose livings are really at stake under the drive named Kunjaban.

5. Destination Developmental Initiative for Persons with Special need : With a view to mainstreaming the persons with special need the project Destination Developmental Initiative for Persons with Special need was launched. Under this project we are trying to make the persons with special need productive member of the society and engage them in some fruitful work depending upon their ability and interest. We provide a variety of training programmes under this project such as vocational training, music, dance, theater etc by experts of respective areas. Vocational training program course includes a wide range of subjects such as computer training, tailoring, embroidery, painting , tie and dye, floral arrangement, making paper items, Greeting cards and decorative lamps making, clothes washing etc. Destination developmental initiatives for person with special need also emphasizes the development of cultural area of Mentally and Physically challenged persons . Here we provide vocal, instrumental, drama and dance classes for the special children Under this project we have organized cultural shows performed by the Mentally and Physically challenged Children, release audio and video album by challenged persons.

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF DESTINATION CHIEF PATRON ” Sjt Akon Bora,Honorable Minister of Social Welfare,Assam. CHIEF ADVISER : Shri G.M.Shrivastava,IPS Retd,Security Adviser to CM. PRESIDENT : Shri Zubeen Garg,Eminent Artist and National Award Winner. VICE – PRESIDENT : Shri Pabitra Margherita,Eminent Artist,Producer of Assamese Films. SECRETARY OF DESTINATION : Mrs Rupa Hazarika,Founder of Destination. DIRECTOR OF DESTINATION : Mrs Sukanya Rajkumar. ACCOUNTS & GENERAL ADMINISTRATION : Mr Biki Das Mrs Minakshi Changmai Das PROGRAMME CO-ORDINATOR : Miss Rimjhim Mahanta PRINCIPAL OF VOCATIONAL CENTER : Mrs Aradhana Saikia, EXECUTIVE MEMBER : Mr.Anjal Das THE EDITORIAL TEAM : Mr.vivek Shyam Mr Santanu kumar sarkar.

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