Krishi Vigyan Kendra KVK Karbi Anglong, Diphu Assam,Agriculture Research & Training

The second education commission (1964-66) under the chairmanship of Dr D S Kothari, recommended fo

The second education commission (1964-66) under the chairmanship of Dr D S Kothari, recommended for the establishment of agricultural poly technique to provide vocational education in agriculture to school drop outs and other rural youths. Afetr careful deliberation by the ministry of Education, Ministry of Agriculture and the planning commission and as a follow up of the recommendation, the Indian Council f Agricultural Research(ICAR) appointed a committee under the chairmanship of Dr mohan Singh Mehta of Seva Mandir , Udaipur in 1973 for formulating the institutional design of Krishi Vigyan Kedras (KVK) for providing vocational training in agriculture

KVK Karbi Anglong

Krishi Vigyan Kendra in the district of Karbi Anglong received its administrative approval from the ICAR in the year 1999 as a remandated KVK and started functioning from the year 2000. Later in the year 2004 the same was given the status of a full fledged KVK to cater to the needs of the farming community for training and skill development in carrying out the farming activities in a befitting manner. The KVK is headed by a Programme Coordinator and he is assisted by a group of Extension scientists and other supporting staff as per ICAR requirement.

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