The Co-operative City Bank Ltd, Local Guwahati,Assam Bank

The Co-operative City Bank Ltd.

The bank was registered under the Assam Co-operative Societies A

The Co-operative City Bank Ltd.

The bank was registered under the Assam Co-operative Societies Act,1949,on 23 rd September 1980,with its registration no.G-79/80.

On 22 nd March 1980,a meeting was held at the Conference Hall of Assam Co-operative Apex Bank Building under the presidentship of Sri Rama Baruah,MD,Apex Bank,and was attended by some 22 persons who had discussed in length of the need of establishing a local urban co-operative bank within the city of Guwahati,to cater the banking needs of the common masses of the society.The meeting ultimately decided to set up a urban co-operative bank under the name and style of “The Co-operative City Bank Ltd”,with its registered office at Silpukhuri,Guwahati-3.


CAR LOANS : Buy your dream car as per your choice, we give car loans at a reasonable rate of interest (Simple Reducing)

(Conditions apply)

TWO-WHEELER LOANS : Avail two wheeler loans, at reasonable rates of Interest.

(Conditions apply)

HOUSING LOANS : Build your own dream house, avail our long term housing loans, at reasonable rates of Interest.

(Conditions apply)

CONSUMER LOANS : We give loans to buy consumer durables & Household Goods like TV, Refrigerator, Air Conditioners, OTGs, Washing Machine, Inverters, Gen-Sets, Computers, and Laptops etc.

(Conditions apply)

FURNITURE LOANS : Avail Furniture Loans upto Rs.1,00,000/- with an interest rate of 12% p.a (Simple Reducing).

(Conditions apply)

PERSONAL LOANS : Avail personal loans upto Rs.50,000/- @ interest of 11.5% p.a (Simple Reducing).

(Conditions apply)

BUSINESS LOANS : We also provide business loans, Overdrafts & Cash Credit Limits to business houses,retail traders and corporate houses etc.

(Conditions apply)

BANK GUARANTEES : We also provide Bank Guarantees to individuals/companies/firms against specific work orders. (Conditions apply).

LOAN AGAINST DEPOSITS : We also give loans against assignment of LICPs,NSCs,KVPs etc. (Conditions apply).

RTGS/NEFT: Arrangements have been made in all the branches of the bank for remittance of RTGS and NEFT for the convenience of all the valued customers of the bank.


The Bank has introduced Forex Services on a trial basis for the convenience of its customers.

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