Ajmal National Talent Search Examination

The AJMAL NATIONAL TALENT SEARCH (ANTS) EXAMINATION has assumed significance as a popular talent sea

The AJMAL NATIONAL TALENT SEARCH (ANTS) EXAMINATION has assumed significance as a popular talent search examination in North East India. The aim of ANTS Examination is to identify the extraordinarily brilliant students and to encourage them through cash awards and other incentives to further improve and hone their talents. Conducted by the AJMAL FOUNDATION, a Hojai based registered public charitable trust whose allied activities for the cause of education include award of scholarship to meritorious students, financial assistance to the educational institutions and poor students, organizing coaching classes for competitive examinations, health care, relief and rehabilitation, environmental promotion etc , the ANTS Examination envisages to motivate students in the North Eastern states towards inculcating a competitive spirit. This Foundation is a channel for mobilizing efforts towards social reconstruction. ANTSE is a diagnostic test that purports to test how well a child has understood the fundamentals of the subjects taught in classes. Thus, it helps parents and teachers to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the child in the basics. The preparation for ANTSE stimulates the thought process and helps the student to face new challenges. The preparation for ANTSE not only helps the students to test his mastery over his subjects taught in the class but also encourages him to acquire information and knowledge about the world around him. It awakens the students to the need of gleaning facts and information which in itself is an enjoyable pursuit and which also equips him to face the challenges of modern day entrance tests and competitive examinations. Starting from the year, 2010, one more examination has been added. Following the suggestions of a cross section of intellectuals, advisors and well-wishers and considering the need for a proper orientation of the students pursuing study at the degree level towards competitive examinations, a new class for degree students has been added. Another change effected from last year is a single class examination for Class XI and Class XII at the Higher Secondary level instead of two separate examinations for the above two classes.

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