Basic Tips to Prepare for an Interview

Working for a big company is a major challenge these days. Candidates hardly get a call letter after their bio-data is being checked. After receiving a call letter some candidates spread their wings as if they are hired for the job, but the main level of passing is still remained and that is the interview round. Interviews are getting very strict nowadays. Mostly people get rejected for their over smartness and lose their confidence later on. It is true that knowledge is compulsory esp. in the field they go to work, but apart from that many candidates get rejected in the first round. Reasons for their getting being rejected varies from person to person, e.g. improper behavior, lacking in communication skills, dressing improperly, stammering and so on. These are the results of not being carefully prepared.

Here are some basic tips how to prepare for an interview:

  1. Punctuality: the candidate must appear the interview spot at least half an hour before the time of the interview. It creates a good impression and if he is in time he can be more relaxed and confident.
  2. Appearance: A first impression is largely formed by a candidate’s appearance before he begins to speak. He should posses a smart and pleasant appearance. His clothes should be neither too casual nor too formal. They must be clean and ironed. His shoes should be polished and tidy. If talk about a female candidate then she should wear minimum jewellery. Heavy perfumes or colognes should be avoided.
  3. Body language: Stooping shoulders and rounded back are placatory signals and indicates a dangerous lack of confidence. The candidate should walk into the room with his back straight and maintain the posture while sitting down. Before sitting down he should ask for the interviewers permission like “May I sit down?”. He should shake hands with a firm grip maintaining eye contact with a smile.   

Don’ts: He should not loll in the chair in a relaxed way or put his hands on the pocket. Crossing arms, placing hands or fingers over his mouth should be avoided. He should never put forward his hands to shake first unless the interviewer does.

  1. Communication skill: Good communication includes both content and delivery. Delivery refers to tone of voice, choice of words and speaking style. He can make a good impression if he modulates the pitch of his voice.
  2. Enthusiasm: Enthusiasm comes from the energetic way the candidate put forward his ideas. He should maintain a cheerful and pleasant countenance.
  3. Listening skill: The candidate should listen carefully to the interviewer, that pleases the interviewer and also generates a positive feeling towards the candidate. The candidate should not interrupt the interviewer while he speaks.
  4. Honesty: The candidate should be honest and always better not to bluff the interviewer.
  5. Maintain a balance: The candidate should keep his answers informative and not too lengthy.

Points to remember:


  1. Walk smartly and cheerfully into the interview room.
  2. Shake hands firmly.
  3. Maintain eye contact with the interviewer.
  4. Be attentive.
  5. Modulate your voice while reply to questions so that it is audible to everyone.

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