Director of Elementary Education Assam,Primary and Middle School

The name of the organization in Directorate of Elementary Education under department of Education,

The name of the organization in Directorate of Elementary Education under department of Education, Govt. of Assam. It is located at Kahilipara, Guwahati 781019, Assam.

The Director of the Elementary Education, Assam is the head of the Directorate of the Elementary Education.

The Directorate of Elementary Education, Assam was established as a separate establishment in July, 1977, with its Head quarter at Kahilipara, Guwahati – 19, for management of Elementary Education to achieve the following objectives.

1. To decentralize management at schools up to Block level, and
2. To organize activities towards attainment of universalization of Elementary Education (UEE).

Earlier this Directorate was belong to erstwhile Directorate of Public Instruction (DPI) functioning independently for Assam in 1947.

This Directorate is responsible for administration control, development and expansion, inspection, supervision, monitoring and evaluation of Elementary Education in Assam. The services of all Sub-divisional Education Officers (Deputy Inspector of Schools) and other subordinate inspecting officers (Sub-Inspector and Assistant Sub-Inspector of Schools) all over the state have been placed under this Directorate. All Junior Basic Training Centre (22 Nos.), which train-up the Primary School Teachers and all Normal Training Schools (7 Nos.) which train-up the Middle School Teachers have also been brought under the Directorate, including the Basic Training College at Titabor, which also train-up Middle School teachers.
The Elementary stage of education in Assam covers classes from Class I to Class VII and covers students for the age group of 6 – 14 years.


The Sarva Shiksha Abhijan is the positive response to the direction of the Hon’ble supreme court of India regarding making the education up to the age of 14 years a fundamental right of every child. The Programme involves a holistic and convergent approach with a clear focus on District as a unit of planning and implementation. The framework of Sarva Shiksha Abhijan has been designed as a peoples’ movement for education for all, which will provide useful and relevant elementary education of satisfactory quality for all by 2010 AD bridging all social and gender gaps, with vigorous and active participation of the community in the affairs of the schools.

Phone : 0361-2381180

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