AGP, Asom Gana Parishad

The Asom Gana Parishad being born under special circumstances at a historic moment stands for the

The Asom Gana Parishad being born under special circumstances at a historic moment stands for the overall socio-political and economic development of Assam. It stands for unity among all ethnic and religious groups that have made Assam their motherland and is totally secular and democratic in character. The Asom Gana Parishad believes in bringing about total development of Assam, covering every aspect of life and people’s activities that includes modern scientific methods of agriculture application of science and technology, industrial development that does not disturb the natural environment, and the community shares the benefits. The AGP stands for a classless society where people have equal right to opportunities and where women’s rights are not only honoured, but also are ensured and protected.

The Asom Gana Parishad is a regional party, which is duty-bound to serve the best interests of Assam and its people. It believes in true democratic character of the country, owes allegiance to the Constitution of India, and stands for the protection of the unity, sovereignty and integrity of the country.

The Asom Gana Parishad believes that proper and effective development of the country can be made possible only through introduction of a federal system of governance by way of accordingly amending the Constitution of India. Adoption of a true federal structure alone can ensure that the country will develop without any regional disparity and imbalance.

The Asom Gana Parishad believes in proper and scientific development of human resources and rational utilization of the rich natural resources of the state for attaining sustainable and balanced development of all the communities residing in Assam.

The Asom Gana Parishad believes in working for the eradication of division in the lines of ethnicity, religion, language, race and sex that are often used for narrow political interests.

The Asom Gana Parishad believes in working towards restoration of an atmosphere of mutual faith, trust, tolerance and brotherhood. The Asom Gana Parishad believes in working towards unification of people of all faiths, communities, ethnicities, religions and tongue through democratic means so that the entire population of Assam can exercise their democratic and human rights and enjoy all the privileges available under the Constitution of India.

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