Mizo Fish Recipe, Poora Mach, North East Food Cuisine

Mizoram Food Recipe. Poora mach —-


1) 250 gm boneless fish
2) 2 tsp white mus

Mizo Fish Recipe. Poora mach —-


1) 250 gm boneless fish
2) 2 tsp white mustard seeds
3) half bunch coriander leaves
4) 3 green chilly
5) 4 flakes garlic
6) 2 tsp lime juice
7) 2 tsp mustard oil
8) salt to test


1) clean the fish
2) apply lime juce on the fish
3) soak mustard seeds and make a paste
4) coriander leaves , garlic, green , chilly , salt, make a paste all together.(paste 1)
5) mustard oil , mustard paste and paste 1 mix all together.
6) apply all paste to the fish.
7) the fish wrapped with banana leaves and put in to the open fire .( if open fire is not possible , the fish wrapped with silver foil and put in to the oven

–Diganta Deka

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