To the Breeze…

In the silence of the nights,

when people are engaged with their sleep,

I can hear your footsteps….

Your footsteps… oh dear breeze!!

When you touch my face so gently,

My soul rises up and says,

“Come gentle breeze come…

Come and walk with me…

Take me to the higher mountains,

where no human being does exist.

Take me to the subterranean fields,

where do exists only me and you.

Take me to the islands miles away,

where birds do talk to me.

I want not to reside anymore,

among the cruel, impious, fake beings.

Come breeze come… take me away,

in the silence of the night,

when people are engaged with their sleep…

Take me to the higher mountains,

and to the subterranean fields.”

–Priyanka Bhowmick

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