Passport Office Guwahati

The Regional Passport Office, Guwahati was opened in June, 1979 as a subordinate office of Ministr

The Regional Passport Office, Guwahati was opened in June, 1979 as a subordinate office of Ministry of External Affairs under the supervision of Central Passport and Emigration Organization created in 1959. The issue of passport is a central subject under the Indian Constitution and allotted to the Ministry of External Affairs. Initially, Regional Passport Office was catering to the needs of the seven North-Eastern States of India viz Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura. Later in the year 1988, the state of Tripura was bifurcated to Regional Passport Office, Kolkata. At present there are a total of 37 Passport Offices in the country.

Regional Passport Office, Basistha Road, Rani Bagan,3rd Bye Lane, Guwahati 781 028.


Voice: 0361-2264841, 2228547
Fax: 0361-2260101


One can register on-line (and go directly for submission without having to wait long in the queue on the given date) OR can submit the application form at Passport Office Guwahati. Applications may also be submitted in the District / State Passport Cells

In addition to the above, the personnel of Speed Post Centres in the above six States are also being trained to recieve and process the passport application forms. Some of these centres are operational since 2009.

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