Popular Indian Style Mutton Hamburgers Food Recipes

Mutton Hamburgers
yield: 9 hamburgers

                   10 smallclovers  

Popular Indian Style Mutton Hamburgers Food Recipes

yield: 9 hamburgers

  • 10 smallclovers   garlic
  • 400 g                   mutton
  • 100g                    onion finely chopped
  • 11/4                     salt
  • 4                          green chillies finely chopped
  • 10g                      fresh ginger finely  chopped
  • 2                          eggs beaten
  • 40 g                     dry bread crumbs
  • 50 ml                   vegetable oil


1.Grind garlic into a paste

2.Mix garlic paste and all other ingredients except eggs,bread crumbs and oil.Add eggs mix.

3.Heat frying pan on medium heat about 2 mintues.Add 2 tbsp oil and head about30 seconds

4.Fry on both sides till browned(about 10 minutes on each side)

Author: Daisy Baruah

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