FAQ on Space and Universe

Q1.What is Nebulae ?

The clouds of rarified gas, which exist between stars,glow due to the radia

Q1.What is Nebulae ?

The clouds of rarified gas, which exist between stars,glow due to the radiation of the light of stars. The radiated of rarified gas are called Nebulae. The visibility is hazy and faint.

Q2. What is Halley’s Comet ?

Halley’s comet is named after Edmond G. Halley who was the first to suggest that comets were natural phenomena of the solar system, in orbit around the Sun. He suggested that a certain comet was a regular visitor, returning every 76 years, and was, in fact, the same one which had been observed since 240 BC, but in particular in the years 1531, 1607, and 1682, dates which for him were recent history. In 1682 he predicted the comet would return again in 1758, and sure enough, the comet arrived in March 1759.  Halley’s comet is next scheduled to return in 2062. 

Q3. What is the difference between a Planet And a Star ?

Stars are self luminous celestial bodies and they have a system of their own. Planets on the other hand, are bodies which revolve around a star and shine by the reflected light of the stars.

Q4. What is Supernove ?

Supernovas are exploding stars. Red giant stars explode when they have used up their hydrogen and helium fuel, and converted most of their atoms to iron atoms. The explosion throws a large cloud of dust and gas into space. The mass of the expelled material may exceed 10 times the mass of the sun.

The first stars became supernovas about 14 billion years ago, but stars are still becoming supernovas today, whenever they run out of fuel. In 1054 AD, astronomers in China recorded a supernova (they noticed a star so bright you could see it in the daylight). That supernova is now the Crab Nebula. Our own star, the Sun, will never become a supernova because it is not big enough to make enough gravity. Instead, it will become a white dwarf.

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