Atmospheric Studies, Department of Physics, Dibrugarh University

Active research in Space and atmospheric physics during the past more than two decades in the Depa

Active research in Space and atmospheric physics during the past more than two decades in the Department of Physics has led to the establishment of the Centre to further promote activities in these areas.

Dedicated to research and training in the field of Atmospheric and Space Physics.

The Centre has the following two-fold objectives:

Applied Scientific Research:

To broad base the current research activities in the area of atmospheric and environmental sciences in Dibrugarh University with focused regional perspective in the light of development in these fields globally.

Human Resource Development:

To introduce a course leading to the award of “Advanced P.G. Diploma in Atmospheric Sciences” for students of Physics/Geophysics aimed at bridging the gap in demand and supply scenario of manpower required in this challenging and socially relevant field of human endeavor.

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