AMAR GHOR (Ambikagiri Memorial Old Age home,Guwahati,Assam)

AMAR GHOR আমাৰ গৰ

In the year 1988, to perpetuate the memory of “Asom Kesori” Am

AMAR GHOR আমাৰ গৰ

In the year 1988, to perpetuate the memory of “Asom Kesori” Ambikagiri Roychoudhury, his daughter Kumari Sachibrata Roychoudhury with help of other trustees formed a charitable trust “Ambikagiri Memorial Trust”. The objective of the trust is to perpetuate the memory of Ambikagiri Roychoudhury through Social Welfare activities and propagation of ideology of national integration, his teachings and philosophy of universal brotherhood, services to the helpless and needy.

In the initial stage, after formation of the trust, the activities of the trust were executed solely by Sachibrata Roychoudhury. The trust under the able guidance of Sachibrata Roychoudhury undertook various welfare activities for women children besides memorial lectures and publications in memory of Late Roychoudhury. And in 1999, Sachibrata Roychoudhury decided to establish an Old Age home in Guwahati at her plot of land located at Patharqueri, and for that purpose, she constituted a project committee. Then the members of the project committee done the preliminary work. With the need to spread the activities further, and cover large spheres, “AMBIKAGIRI MEMORIAL TRUST SOCIETY” was formed in the year 2001 with 110 life members and 5 patrons under the patronage of “Ambikagiri Memorial Trust”. Subsequently the ”Ambikagiri Memorial Trust Society ” was registered under societies Registration Act.

The foundation of the Ambikagiri Memorial Old Age home named “AMAR GHOR” was laid on 18th December 2001 and the construction of an Assam type house was started in April, 2001 solely on donations from public organization and individuals for their love and respect for Sachibrata Roychoudhury. The old age home “Amar Ghor” was inaugurated on 18th May, 2003. In July, 2005 the foundation of second phase of the building was laid with the financial help from State Bank of India, donations from MP’s Area development fund of Indramoni Bora, OIL India Ltd,. BRPL Ltd., United fund of DC Kamrup (Metro), Guwahati Refinery and various other Associations, Institutions, Corporate bodies and Individual. Now the Old Age home “Amar Ghor” accommodates 30 inmates. Though the required financial assistance is lacking, if the project is fully completed then “Amar Ghor” can accommodate upto 50 needy old people. The working president of “Ambikagiri Memorial Trust Society” is jugobrata Dutta. The working president lamenting on the lackadaisical attitude of the state Government towards the old age home “Amar Ghor” in case of allowing financial assistance, she urges all section of society to donate for “Amar Ghor”.

Every year various organizations, individual visited the old age home “Amar Ghor” and organizes cultural programmes for entertainment of the residents. The inmates of “Amar ghor” are having a jolly day as not a single old man or woman were inducted into the old age home against their consent. All the inmates are leading a new life in “Amar Ghor” surpassing their woes. The residents have had a busy day engaging themselves in various activities. Besides “Naam Prasanga” in the Namghar, the inmates engage themselves in reading writing and other extra curricular activities. The very first day of September is special for the dwellers of “Amar Ghor” as that day is considered as birthday of all inmates owing to the demise of president Sachibrata Roychoudhury whose birthday also falls on that day.

Working president of “Ambikagiri Memorial Trust Societies” Jugobrata Dutta urges the family and welfare department of the State Government, all profit making organizations as well as individuals to extend their support to “Amar Ghor”.


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