Rain Forest Research Institute (RFRI), Jorhat, Assam

Rain Forest Research Institute (RFRI), at Jorhat, central Assam, is one of the constituent insti

Rain Forest Research Institute (RFRI), at Jorhat, central Assam, is one of the constituent institutes under Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE), an autonomous council under Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India. The Institute was established in 1988 to extend knowledge on forestry related issues through research, education and extension in general and to support forestry research of northeastern states viz., Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura, in particular.

The North-Eastern region is endowed with rich forest wealth comprising 25.7% forest cover of the country. The total forest cover in the region is 163,799 sq. km, which is about 64% of the geographic area as against the national average of 19.39%. Brahmaputra, and Barrak are two main river and valley systems in the region. Owing to geographical position, it offers a complex variety of habitats and ecosystems. Being rich in bio-diversity, it enjoys a special ecological status as one of the eighteen “hot spots” of the world. The local population is mainly the tribes.

Thrust areas: :

#Conservation and assessment of biodiversity of Northeast India.
#Silviculture and management of forestry species of Northeast India.
#Containment of shifting cultivation and economic upliftment of Jhumias.
#Eco-restoration and bio-rejuvenation of degraded forests and marginal lands through community participation.
#Tree improvement for increased merchantable biomass.
#Integrated disease and pest management of forestry species and biofertilizer.
#Germplasm collection, conservation and multiplication of different forestry species including bamboo and rattans.
#Pest and disease control in forests and nurseries.
#Human resource development.
#Dissemination of research results and transfer of technology.

Contact Information

Rain Forest Research Institute ‘Deovan’,
P.O.Box No. 136
A.T.Road ( East ) , Jorhat, Assam
Phone – 91 – 0376- 2350273/74
Fax – 91 – 0376 – 2350274
EPABX – 91 – 0376 – 2350255/56/57/58

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