Majuli Tourism, Official Website of Majuli Tourism

Majuli, the largest pollution free fresh water river island in the world, a treasure island of cul

Majuli, the largest pollution free fresh water river island in the world, a treasure island of culture, snuggles in the bosom of the mighty Brahmaputra. The landmass of this region extends for a length of about 90 km along east-west direction and about 850 sq km.along the north south.

Majuli is a land of varied culture of different tribes like Misings, Deori, Chutias, Sonoal kacharies, which have enriched the entire Assamese culture. The cultural festivals celebrated by the different tribes here is a major tourist attraction. Here one can escape from the monotony of mechanical urban life and steep one’s troubled mind in the serenity all around in this weird world.

In the words of Innisfree of W.B Yeats, Majuli is an island-Where peace comes dropping slow, Dropping from the veils of the morning,Here midnights is all a glimmer,Noon a purple low,And evening full of the wings of the migratory birds in the winter.

Overseas tourists who come to majuli island to spend a day or two usually extend their stay to enjoy her idyllic atmosphere, to breathe its pure air which is free of any kind of pollution.

Apart from the captivating natural environment, Majuli displays a variety of interests to the tourists. The ‘Satra’( Hindu Monastery) ,varied culture of the different tribes, migratory birds, handicrafts etc have made it a place of attraction for the tourists.

Flora and Fauna

Majuli, the heart of the mighty Brahamaputa, is full of different types of plants and animals. It’s vast faunal wealth covers more than 100 species of birds and more than 20 reptiles, more than 20 mammals 1000 of insects and lesser forms, nearly 100 types of local fish.

On the floral side it covers more than 1000 species of trees, grasses, creepers, flowers, orchids and other forms of plant-life.

Majuli is a heavenly abode of different kinds of birds.

A good number of ‘stoke’ a globally endangered species are found in Majuli. The nest of this species can be viewed on all the tall trees at many places in Majuli. Majuli is the ideal place for bird watchers.

Visit Majuli to see these Birds

Little Grebe, Spotted Billed Pelican, Large Cormorant, Darter, Grey Heron, Open Bill Stoke, White Adjutant Storke, Lesser Adjutant Storke, Purple Heron, Pond Heron, Cattle Egret, Chestnut Bittern, Great Egret, Little Egret, Grey Lag Goose, Bar Beaded Goose, Lesser Whistling Teal, Ruddy Shelduck, Common Shelduck, Large Whistling, Mallarol, Cotton Teal, Red Crested Pochard, Black Kite, Brahminy Kite, Black Winged Kite Fishing Eagle, Snake Eagle, Vulture, Lagger falcon, Swamp Partridge, Jungle Bush Quail, Red Jungle Fowl, Common Crane, Common Moorhen, Purple Moorhenwhite Breasted Water Hen Pheasant Tailed Jacana. Bronzed Winged Jacana, Red-Watt Led Lapwing, Stone Curlew, Black Headed Gull, Brown Headed Gull, River tern, Common Green Pigeon, Spotted Dove, Red Turtle Dove, Large Indian Parakeet, Rose Ringed Parakeet, Red Breasted Parakeet , Large Hawk Cuckoo, Koel, Barn Owl, Eurasian Owl, Great Horned Owl, Great Indian nightjar, House Swift, Pied/Brown Headed/Smallblue/Black Catted/ White Breasted Kingfisher, Bee Eater, Idian Roller, Hoopoe, Hornbill , Barbet, Wood pecker, Swallow , Grey Shrike, Oriole, King Crow, Pied/Bank/Grey headed/jungle/common Myna, Bulbul, Magpie Robin , Shama, Grey tits, Wagtail, Sunbird, Weaver, Sparrow, Munia.


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