Assam Small Farmers Agri Business Consortium | Agriculture Information Assam

Maximization of Farmers’ farm income with sustainability in Farmer-Government-Bank-Institution & P

Maximization of Farmers’ farm income with sustainability in Farmer-Government-Bank-Institution & Private (FGBIP) partnership in a business model and generation of more livelihood opportunities.

  • Promote, finance and support producer owned and controlled organizations.
  • Facilitate Transformation of traditional farming system into a commercial and technology based sustainable enterprise to maximize farmer’s farm income.
  • Facilitate the promotion , consolidation and sustainability of farming business by facilitating quality services viz. knowledge technology, credit, inputs, marketing and value addition under business partnership model.
  • Facilitate the growth of Agribusiness in the state for Farmers, Social, Corporate and Environmental Good.
  • Facilitate the generation of increase don-farm and off-farm employment.
  • The objective for which the Society is established are as follows
  • i. To catalyse agro industrial growth in different parts of Assam based on principles of ecological sustainability, economic efficiency and social equity.
    ii. To undertake or assist in undertaking programmes for employment generation, growth and diversification of agriculture and other food based industries to increase food production and export of food products in both primary and processed from including field of Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, Poultry and other areas related with food.
    iii. To organize technology transfer through training and extension involving non-government organizations, farmers’ association and Pathar parichalana Samitee (FMC).
    iv. To sponsor specific and relevant research projects and technology demonstration.
    v. To organize input, material supply and production services through public, private and co-operative sector.
    vi. To identify and promote post harvest processing / manufacturing units in the public, private and co-operative sectors.
    vii. To promote organization of marketing chains both for domestic and export marketing.
    viii. To build a cadre of skilled managers for managing the affairs of various units being established as a part of the development process.
    ix. To provide technology and marketing support for the development of rainfed and drought prone areas and marginal land.
    x. To create opportunities for skilled employment in villages through biological software industries such as the manufacture of bio-fertilizer and bio-pesticides and establishment of bio-mass refineries and promote agriculture and bio-mass related business activities for food security and for incremental incomes to producers in the context of liberalized world trade in food and agriculture commodities.
    xi. To revive and strengthen local institutions including Pathar Parichalana Samittee (FMC), seed villages and producers association of the farming community as instruments of decentralization / development process in agriculture sector.
    xii. To organize / catalyse the primary producers in suitable groups towards the performance of activities related to the achievement of the objectives of the Society.
    xiii. To influence government policies for correcting the terms of trade to make them favourable for agriculture, thereby increasing the flow of resources and augmenting the rate of capital formation in agriculture sector.
    xiv. To pave the way for establishment of integrated producers organization with forward and backward linkages and to organize Pathar Parichalana Samittees (FMC) with forward and backward linkage.
    xv. To assist and promote programmes aimed at conversation of the environment and natural resources.
    xvi. To prepare, print and public papers, periodicals, monographs and books, in furtherance of the objectives of the Society.
    xvii. To help farmers / farmers organization in setting up small agro based village

The society is situated in the State of Assam with its office in Guwahati and presently located at the Directorate of Agriculture Campus, Assam, Khanapara, Guwahati-781 022.

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