Assam Mahila Samata Society (AMSS)

Assam Mahila Samata Society (AMSS) is an autonomus society registered in 1996 under society registra

Assam Mahila Samata Society (AMSS) is an autonomus society registered in 1996 under society registration act 1860. In Assam AMSS has been implementing the National Mahila Samkhya (MS) program as envisaged in National Policy on Education 1986 and Program of Action 1992 published by MHRD, GOI.

Assam Mahila Samata Society (AMSS) is an autonomus society registered in 1996 under society registration act 1860. In Assam AMSS has been implementing the The main objective of the MS program is to encourage, asist and promote collective reflection, decisionmaking and group action by women as a means to their empowerment and for equal participation in the process of learning for social change.

Initiative rural women empowerment process through EDUCATION INITIATIVES, which are based on respect for women’s existing knowledge, experience and skills.


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