Agro-Economic Research Centre For North East India

Agro-Economic Research Centres/Units are age old institutions in the field of agro-economic research

Agro-Economic Research Centres/Units are age old institutions in the field of agro-economic research in the country established by the Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India. At present, there are 12 Agro-Economic Research Centres (AERC) and 3 Agro-Economic Research Units (AERU) in the country, conducting Agro-Economic research both at state and national level. The AERC for North-East India, Jorhat was established in the eastwhile Assam Agricultural College (Under State Govt. of Assam) in 1960. The Centre was transferred to Assam Agricultural University (AAU), Jorhat-13 in 1970. Since then the centre started to function as per rules and regulations of the AAU. The AER Centre, Jorhat was declared permanent in May, 1990 by the Government of India

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