Right to Education Act, EDUCATION is a Fundamental Right in ASSAM now

The State Cabinet approved the Right to Education Act this July 5 2011,  making Assam the 19th st

The State Cabinet approved the Right to Education Act this July 5 2011,  making Assam the 19th state to implement the act. Under the act, which guarantee a lower primary (LP) school (classes I -VI) within walking a 1-km radius of every neighborhood and a middle English (ME) school (classes VI-VIII) within a 3-km radius of every neighborhood.

Highlights of the RTE act Assam.

1. Every student from Class I to Class VIII will be provided free textbooks, uniform and study material.

2. Private schools would have to provide 25 per cent reservation for children hailing from BPL families in Class I

3. Under Krishna Kanta Handique State Open University, the state government will also start two diploma courses on teaching in upper primary and lower primary standards from January next year in various colleges.

4. According to the act, the diploma courses are essential qualifications for teachers of the respective standards, besides 60 per cent marks in the teachers’ eligibility test (TET) and 50 per cent in Class XII.

5. The new rules of the act will also make it binding for all schools, both government and private, to strictly follow the 30:1 pupil: teacher ratio.

6. Governing body(GB) of a school to be formed only by guardians, who are to be democratically elected.

Useful Links

Director of Elementary Education Assam,Primary and Middle School

Directorate of Higher Education Government of Assam

Teacher Eligibility Test [TET] Assam| Government School Teacher Jobs| Syllabus |

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