Dr Bhupen Hazarika’s online Songs Lyrics Digital Archive | Gauhati University

Dr Bhupen Hazarika’s online Songs Lyrics Digital Archive | Gauhati University
The archive has 173 so

Dr Bhupen Hazarika’s online Songs Lyrics Digital Archive | Gauhati University

The archive has 173 songs with lyrics, 152 songs in different languages, like English, Bengali, Karbi, Manipuri and Nagamese, and 356 lyrics

This website is a sincere effort for digitally preserving the lyrics of Dr. Bhupen Hazarika’s songs in UNICODE format.

356 (Three hundred and fifty six) Lyrics have been collected and digitally formatted in UNICODE format.

The lyrics have been collected from different sources including Books, Magazines, Write-ups, Newspapers, Internet etc. and we acknowledge and thank all sources from where these have been collected.

The works have been carried out by the Language Technology Research and Development Group at Department of Information Technology, Gauhati University

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