Applets and the World Wide Web

Today internet has become an inevitable part of life. It is used for accessing libraries, getting in

Today internet has become an inevitable part of life. It is used for accessing libraries, getting information on latest happening, to transfer information, send email and communicate with others. Java has become a prime language today in making web pages interactive and user friendly. Java programs written to run on World Wide Web (WWW) are called as applets.

An applet is a java program that you can embed in a web page. Java applications are run by using a Java interpreter. Applets are run on any browser that supports Java. Applet can also be tested using the applet viewer tool included included in the Java Development Kit. In order to run an applet it must be included in a web page, using HTML tags. Since Java’s bytecode is platform independent, Java applets can be executed by browsers for many platforms, including Windows, Unix, Mac OS and Linux. When a Java technology-enabled web browser views a page that contains an applet, the applet’s code is transferred to the clients system and executed by the browser’s Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Advantages of Applet:

· Applets are cross platform and can run on Windows, Mac OS and Linux platform

· Applets can work all the version of Java Plug-in

· Applets are supported by most web browsers

· Applets are cached in most web browsers, so will be quick to load when returning to a web page.

· User can also have full access to the machine if user allows.

Disadvantages of Applet:

· Java plug-in is required to run applet.

· Java applet requires JVM so first time it takes significant startup time.

· If applet is not already cached in the machine, it will be downloaded from internet and will take time.

· It’s difficult to design and build good user interface in applets compared to HTML technology.


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