Assam Down Town University,Engineering | Health Care | Management

The down town Charity Trust was formed in 1999 by the down town hospital Ltd. The urge to do somet

adtuThe down town Charity Trust was formed in 1999 by the down town hospital Ltd. The urge to do something for the underprivileged and deprived section of the society led to the formation of down town Charity Trust. Apart from doctors, the members of the Trust include Engineers, Educationist and other professionals from various walks of life. The down town Charity Trust is promoted by down town hospital ltd., the first corporate multi specialty hospital in North Eastern India. It has a distinguished name in the healthcare industry, serving the people of Assam and the North Eastern Region with its expertise for the last 20 years. 

Established by The Down Town Charity Trust, Assam Down Town University (ADTU) is the second private university to be set up in Assam. As per the provisions of the Assam Private Universities Act 2007, the Trust has successfully received University Status for its Panikhaiti campus in 2010.


# Allied Health

* B.Sc. (Radiography & Imaging) & (Advanced Imaging Techniques) (BaRI-01) & (BaAIT-01)
* Bachelor In Biotechnology (BaBIO-01)
* Bachelor in Blood Banking Techniques (BaBBT-01)
* Bachelor in Critical Care (BaCC-01)
* Bachelor in Food Nutrition & Dietetics (BaFND-01)
* Bachelor in Medical Laboratory Technology (BaMLT-01)
* Bachelor in Operation Theatre Technology (BaOT-01)
* Bachelor in Physiotherapy (BPT-01)
* Bachelor In Social Work (BSW-01)
* Bachelor in Trauma, Emergency Care & Disaster Management

# Engineering

* Civil Engineering
* Computer Science & Engineering
* Electrical & Electronics Engineering
* Electronics & Communication Engineering
* Mechanical Engineering

# Management

* Bachelor of Business Administration
* Master of Business Administration
* MBA (Hospital Management)

# Nursing

* B.Sc. Nursing
* Nursing G.N.M
* Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing

# Pharmacy

* B. Pharm

# Hotel Management

* Bachelor of Hotel Management

# Mass Communication

* Bachelors In Mass Communication

# Diploma Course

* Dental Technician
* Emergency Medical Technician
* Hotel and Catering Management
* Medical Laboratory Technician.
* Optometrician
* Physiotherapy Technician
* Radiography Technician

Mailing Address

Sankar Madhab Path,
Gandhi Nagar, Panikhaiti,
Guwahati-781026, Assam, India

Tel: 91-98641 37777, 0361-2330008
Fax: 91-361-2330678

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