It is to inform all TET qualified candidates who have appeared in the Screening/Interview for the…
Category: Education
CENTRAL TEACHER ELIGIBILITY TEST (CTET)-NOV 2012 online Application Form Download
The Central Board of Secondary Education CBSE, Delhi will be conducting the Central Teacher Eligib
Teacher Eligibility Test [TET] for Secondary Education Assam | High School Teacher Jobs| Application Form |Syllabus | Admit Card |Results
Eligibility Criteria for Graduate Teachers in Secondary Schools: BA/B.Sc./B.Com with 50% mark
TET Secondary Education Assam 2012 -13 Examination Syllabus and Advertisement Details
Minimum Qualifying Marks for Passing TET :- To qualify in TET examination the candidate must sco
Syllabus For Secondary Madhyamik TET Assam, 2012,Part 1: General Studies and Current Affairs
Syllabus For Secondary TET, 2012 Part 1: General Studies and Current Affairs (100 marks) (Al
TET Assam 2012 Secondary Madhamik Syllabus Download, Part 2: Pedagogy and General English
Part 2: Pedagogy and General English (100 marks) (All questions will be of Multiple Choice Objec
Top 10 useful Hot Tips for sure success in IIT -JEE Exam
Top 10 useful Hot Tips for sure success Always start preparing from 'Basics' because it is…
Drupal 7 Upgrade Issue, PDOException: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column ‘fid’ cannot be null
One of the issue arises after the drupal 7 upgradation is: when a new node is…
General Knowledge For Competitive Exam
1. Which state government has launched Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF) project to promote organic
The Applet Class
The java.applet package is the smallest package in the Java API. The Applet class is contained…
Basic steps to JDBC
Java provides a mechanism for handling database known as JDBC. Using JDBC it is possible to…
Preventing SSH timeouts: A Linux probable solution
Preventing SSH timeouts: A probable solution Recently, we had seen some dropped SSH connections c