Guardians of the Earth – Niraj Sonowal

In the heart of nature’s grand design,
Lies a world both yours and mine,
A tapestry of life so rare,
A fragile beauty beyond compare.
Forests dense with ancient trees,
Home to birds and buzzing bees,
Every leaf and branch a part,
Of the Earth’s great beating heart.
Oceans vast and rivers pure,
Flowing lifeblood we must ensure,
Teeming with creatures, large and small,
Each one vital, each one calls.
Mountains stand with majesty,
Witness to time’s vast legacy,
Guardians of the skies and land,
Shaped by nature’s gentle hand.
Yet, this world we often take,
And in our wake, much harm we make,
Pollution, waste, and reckless need,
Choking life, spreading greed.
Conservation is the key,
To protect our land and sea,
Reduce, reuse, and recycle too,
Small steps that we each can do.
Protect the forests, keep them green,
Preserve the waters, clear and clean,
For every creature, every tree,
Plays a part in this harmony.
Educate and raise awareness high,
For the sake of the Earth and sky,
Future generations count on us,
To make choices wise and just.
So, let us be the guardians true,
Of nature’s wonders, old and new,
For in our hands, we hold the fate,
Of this world, so delicate.

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